Wednesday, 5 October 2011

The Orgin of the World

The Most Powerful and speediest Machine in the world is Human Brian . Exactly 1% of Human Brian is feed in the Computer. Based on the Power the computer do unbelievable tasks which is beyond the Human Imagination. In the Total Life time of  a Human Being we use only 1% of our brain. The Remaining is ideal and it is not used until the end of the life and became waste. Based on the Human Brain Generally we can three stages of Mind.

In our Life some occassions are going  normal that means the brain is in conscious stage.But Some times the future events what will happen is precociously highlighted before it will happen. This stage is called sub conscious. only  5% of human beings only realize that stage. one those will use this superior power in right way must attained the goal and succeed in the life.The Updated stage of sub conscious is called Unconscious . Here not only getting Symtoms he knows everything what happen in future and when it will be. At the time his mind will go in deep ( Only Peaceful ) and getting the answer " Who I am?" . At this is position all physical activities should stopped. Only the Mental Power rule over. He knows himself, One who know him/herself can know other and everything surround itself. Here there is no starting and no ending limits. only stability and everything is neutralized . Try to keep the Brain very cool and be peaceful , then only we make the family good , it will lead to build a good society ,finally it will reach to build good generation. The Only Way to get Good things and achieve the target the secret is "Meditation".